Friday, 17 June 2011

Pressing on

The Runner beans are now planted as are two rows of peas and one row of sugar snap peas. Replacement Broad beans and dwarf French beans are hardening off prior to planting.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Finally, a late start

We are now planting up the beds after a slow start due to a busy period of personal projects. We have first early potatoes in beds 1 & 2, bed 1 "International Kidney" more affectionately known as "Jersey Royals" and "Charlotte" in bed 2. Onion sets are planted in bed 3 and the Runner Bean canes are ready in bed 5. A row of peas have bee planted in bed 6 and bed 7 has Broad Beans and bed 10 has been used as a seed bed for cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts and netted up for protection.

This picture is one of the reasons for the late start as the new "Engine Room" of the Allotment has been constructed in the back garden. Tomatoes, cucumber, melons are all under way and we have seeded more Broad beans as well as Runner and dwarf French beans.